Friendships end. It happens.

Sometimes friendships end just like everything in life has an end. Life is seasonal — things, people, all come and go. Nothing stays the same. Life is transient, and we’re always in motion, moving and shifting and pivoting. The relationships we have with one another are no different. We can grow together just like we… Continue reading Friendships end. It happens.

What I want in a man is not a big ask.

(Okay so I’m not talking about myself directly because I am not even sure I ever want to be in a relationship again but that’s a blog for another day.) I spent the past few days watching clips of the OWN show and documentary called “Black Love” and I………..the experience was truly heart breaking. Most… Continue reading What I want in a man is not a big ask.

Africa is not a country

Beyoncé put out another visual album which means she was catching heat once again. We saw this happen with “Lemonade” when she was called out for using West African imagery and referring a lot of Yoruba spiritual practices and culture. The overall complaint with “Lemonade” seemed to be that she didn’t really include “all of… Continue reading Africa is not a country

Quick thoughts: Why must I be punished for things done years ago?!

Because the reality is that the events that took places many years ago still have an impact today. I was thinking about housing and land ownership (which is a big thing in South African) and realized that slavery and apartheid really set black back in this regard which then had a ripple effect into other… Continue reading Quick thoughts: Why must I be punished for things done years ago?!

Quick thoughts: Living in South Africa as a woman is dangerous.

Trauma. I have been having conversations with my cousin about the constant fear and anxiety women have in this country. Our thoughts are constantly plagued by the threat of physical violence and rape and how to avoid it. Looking at the rape statistics in this country, it makes sense that women are always thinking of… Continue reading Quick thoughts: Living in South Africa as a woman is dangerous.

So it’s not about the principle but likeability ?

I have just come to the conclusion that people care more for the person who is delivering the message more than the principle which is garbage. People must just tell us that they hate Monique and spare us the garbage hot takes. Let me give you the back story, in case you don’t know it.… Continue reading So it’s not about the principle but likeability ?